Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jobs of CCAFS Scenarios Officer School of Geography and the Environment, Environmental Change Institute University of Oxford

University of Oxford

Grade 7: Salary £29,099 - £35,788 p.a.
Applications are invited for a Scenarios Officer position to work on developing scenarios for agriculture and food security for the CGIAR research programme, “Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security” (
CCAFS is a major collaborative endeavour between the international agricultural ( and global environmental change ( research communities, and their respective partners. Research will be aimed at overcoming the additional threats posed by a changing climate to achieving food security, enhancing livelihoods and improving environmental management in the developing world. For further details of the programme please consult the website at
The scenarios project of CCAFS will be coordinated by a Scenarios Officer based in the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), University of Oxford. Working under the oversight of a Scenarios Advisory Group and working with and reporting to the ECI-based CCAFS Scenarios Leader, the CCAFS Scenarios Officer will coordinate and promote scenario development for each of the three initial CCAFS regions. This will include:
  • Liaising closely with the CCAFS Regional Facilitators to identify and involve appropriate stakeholders in the scenario exercises.
  • Identifying potential partners for building and sustaining regional scenarios networks.
  • Liaising with a wide range of stakeholders from the research, business and donor communities, regional organisations, NGOs, civil society and the media.
  • Developing methods and approaches for linking regional scenarios to global and local levels.
  • Collaborating with the quantitative and qualitative modelling communities.
  • Assisting in financial planning for scenarios activities and helping to monitor project expenditure and sub-contracts.
  • Reporting regularly to and acting as Secretary for the Scenarios Advisory Group.
You will have a PhD or equivalent academic qualifications in agricultural and/or environmental and/or social sciences; you must have relevant experience in scenario development related to climate change, agriculture and food security; and demonstrated competency in communication and interpersonal skills, both written and verbal, including extensive ability to motivate, inspire and promote teamwork through negotiation and consensus-building. A good working knowledge of French would be a major advantage. The post will require frequent and extensive international travel.
It is hoped that the successful applicant will start by 1 April 2011. Overall the project is envisaged as three years. While current funding allows the post to be offered initially for a 12 month period, there is a very strong likelihood of continued funding for years 2 and 3 of the project. A secondment would also be welcomed.
For further information please see our website at or contact the HR Office (tel: 01865 285082). Informal enquiries should be made to John Ingram (email: The closing date for applications is noon on 7 March 2011, with the aim of interviews being held on Monday 21 March 2011.

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